Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just Getting Started

I know this lady who is a complete inspiration to me.  She is facing trials right now that no parent should have to face.  She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on October 14, 2010 who has Trisomy 18.  Layne Grace Gaston is a miracle already.  They didn't know if she would be born alive.  She was.  They hope to take her home today.  Her future, like everyone's, is not promised here on Earth.  They originally gave her about a week because of her severe heart defect.  They are taking it day by day and are cherishing every moment they have with her.  I pray often for the Gaston family and think of them constantly. 

This Blog is dedicated to all things wonderful in honor of Layne Grace Gaston.  I hope the things expressed here will touch some one's life the way little Layne has touch mine.

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