Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's Been A While!

It's been quite a few months since I last posted anything on here.  My life has changed drastically since then as well.  I have taken a full time job.  I thought I would enjoy it, but I don't.  I like parts of it.  I knew several of my co-workers when I started.  They are part of the reason I am out there, and the only thing that makes it tolerable at all.  It's very hard being away from E & J.  I miss my time with them terribly!  As long as I thought about getting a full time job, now all I can think about is how to get back home with them. 

Brittany and I completed the Fight For Air Climb for the American Lung Association.  It was a lot of fun, and we walked for Layne Grace - that made it worth it.  We didn't end up walking the stairs, but we did complete the 5K and we also plan on tackling the Susan G. Koman race coming up.  I would LOVE to be able to run it, but walking works too, as long as I am moving I guess.

I am going to make every effort to do better at posting from now on.

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